Does My Pet Need Sunscreen?

Dog wearing sunglasses.

Summer is time for daily romps at the park or splashing about on the shore of Lake Pontchartrain. Outside activities are excellent for pet health and happiness, but they can come at a price. Too much exposure to ultraviolet light can be extremely harmful to skin tissue for pets, however, and protection is essential. Pet sunscreen is an important element of summer pet safety. 


Leptospirosis Vaccination for Your Pet

A dog walking in the surf.

Vaccines are pretty amazing things. From the time that Jenner developed the smallpox vaccine until now, we have made some incredible leaps. It is particularly wonderful to see how we can utilize vaccinations in animals to prevent disease in humans. 

When it comes to vaccinations for cats and dogs, Brownswitch Pet Hospital takes an individual approach. There are many vaccines,however, that we consider essential. One often forgotten, yet very important, vaccine is leptospirosis. Read on to learn what this disease is and why your pet should be protected from it.


Dog Bite Prevention

A very angry weenie dog baring teeth..

Has your dog ever acted aggressively toward people, other pets, or even his toys? Aggression in dogs is a behavioral problem that should be taken very seriously to prevent injuries to people and other animals, and our team at Brownswitch Pet Hospital can help.

Don’t wait until your dog bites someone to seek help for aggression. Contact us right away if you think your dog is displaying signs of aggression so we can rule out medical problems that could be causing your dog discomfort or pain, which can trigger aggression.


The Importance of Proper Pet Socialization

Four happy dogs at a party

If your terrier or tabby could talk, he would tell you that properly socialized pets are happier, more well-adjusted animals! Plus, you’ll rest easier knowing your pet is better equipped to adapt to new people, places, and other pets. 

If you’re wondering how to socialize a dog or how to socialize a cat, our team at Brownswitch Pet Hospital has some tips to get you started. But before blending furry friends in a social gathering, make sure your pet is up to date on vaccinations and parasite prevention.


The Big Easy & Beyond: Winter Pet Activities in Louisiana

A boxer stands by a lake.

When people outside of Louisiana think of our climate, they may think only of weather extremes during Hurricane season. While we do receive our fair share of heat, rain, and wind, our little corner of the world is rarely seen as having “winter weather.” That doesn’t stop people and their pets from hunkering down at home until, say, March or April. It doesn’t have to be like that at all. In fact, with our list of winter pet activities in Louisiana, you and your pet can get out and about to some incredible local destinations.


Reasons to Spay and Neuter Pets

A puppy and kitten look at the camera.

Puppies and kittens are cute, and no one at Brownswitch Pet Hospital is going to argue that point with you. Why then, do we counsel most pet owners to spay and neuter their adorable animals? Spay and neuter is a major part of responsible pet ownership and there are several compelling reasons to do so for your pet. 


Why Pet Wellness Exams Are So Important

A vet examines a puppy.

Everyday you do things that support your pet’s health and happiness. From selecting the best dog food to picking out the perfect squeaky toy, your activity in your pet’s life matters.

Brownswitch Pet Hospital feels strongly that your involvement in pet preventive care is huge as well. Regular pet wellness exams are essential for long and healthy lives for our four-legged family, and we would like to share why.
