A vet examines a puppy.

Everyday you do things that support your pet’s health and happiness. From selecting the best dog food to picking out the perfect squeaky toy, your activity in your pet’s life matters.

Brownswitch Pet Hospital feels strongly that your involvement in pet preventive care is huge as well. Regular pet wellness exams are essential for long and healthy lives for our four-legged family, and we would like to share why.

What Happens at Pet Check Ups

Pet wellness exams are meant to be a time to be proactive about the health of your furry friend. Instead of reacting to problems as they occur, pet preventive care focuses on preventing issues when possible and addressing them before they become major factors when they do occur.

At routine pet wellness examinations, a few important things happen. These include:

  • A thorough wellness examination–Nose-to-tail pet checkups are an essential part of maintaining health. They allow our team to establish a relationship and get to know you and your pet. 
  • Recommended vaccinations–For most pets, vaccinations are important to help prevent many serious illnesses. At these pet wellness exams, we can have a discussion to evaluate your pet and their lifestyle to determine which are appropriate. 
  • Recommendations for wellness screening–Screening tests such as fecal examinations, blood, and urine tests are routinely recommended at pet checkups. These tests help us to establish a baseline normal for your pet and may identify problems early in their course. We will discuss which are recommended for each individual patient. 
  • Preventive medications–Preventives such as heartworm, flea, and tick medications are essential to keeping healthy pets healthy. With many options on the market, this is a good opportunity to discuss the best choice for your family.
  • Reproductive health–Wellness visits are a great time to discuss spay and neuter decisions. 
  • Dental care–Routine and cleanings under anesthesia helps to prevent pain, infection, loss of teeth, and disease of major organs including the heart, liver, and kidneys.
  • Discussion time–Pet wellness exams are the perfect time to discuss questions and concerns you may have about your pet. 

How Pet Preventive Care Makes an Impact

Pet wellness exams and preventive care makes a big difference in the lives of our patients. We are lucky enough to see the impact almost every day. Being proactive about your pet’s care affords several advantages:

  • Earlier detection of problems
  • Prevention of some problems altogether
  • Better treatment outcomes when trouble does occur
  • Lower pet care costs due to disease prevention/early detection
  • More personalized care 
  • A happier and longer life for your pet

We honestly don’t see a downside. Call us today to schedule your pet’s wellness examination. We are here to help you enjoy your pet for as long as possible.